Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Amazing animals :the hedgehog,clown anemonefish,the polar bear,the bottle nose dolphin,

The hedgehog

Have you ever seen a hedgehog,it has stiff sharp sine to protect itself. It curls into a ball not to sleep comfortably like us, but to keep it predators from eating it.As the spines would pierce the predators if they try to uncurl it.but the new born babies' spine are not stiff they are soft . Soon after the spines will eventually turn stiff and sharp.Do you know that the hedgehogs feed on small mice snails lizards and frogs or even eggs. Some people keep hedgehogs as pets as they help eat garden pest .But you should get a hedgehog when it is young so you would not pierce yourself.


The clown Anemone fish

The clown anemone fish is also known as the clown fish.It is called the anemone fish as it has a very close relationship with the sea creature Anemone.Although the Anemone has tentacle that sting the clown fish is not bothered by it as there is a layer of mucus which protects it.By living in the Anemone the clown fish gains protection as its predators would not come to its home as the tentacles of the Anemone would sting it.The female clown fish can a wide range of eggs from 100 to even a 1000.Din you know that all clown were male at frist? It is because of some changes that makes a the male clownfish into a female.


The Polar bear

The polar primarily eat seals.It will often wait at a seal breathing hole and when a seal comes up the polar bear bite the seal's head, killing it.But other times the polar bear would see a seal resting near its breathing and slowly move towards it.And when it is close enough the polar bear would grab it with its claws and bite the seal's head and again killing it.The polar bear may swim under the ice to hunt as well.A pregnant female bear would stay in a den and give birth to about two baby polar bears.She will nurse them and teach them how to hunt for about two and a half has a layer of fat to keep it warm and fur and skin to absorb sunlight for warmth.


The bottle- nose dolphin
The bottle nose is a mammal that lives in the sea . It breathes through the blowholes on top of its head so when it reaches the top it can breathe. The dolphin send messages to each other through squeaking,whistling and the body movements it makes.the bottle nose dolphin does not have a good sense of smell but it has a very good sharp hearing.The bottle-nose dolphin is usually found in temperature tropical oceans.


Giant Pandas

Giant pandas are a endangered species as their habitats are being destroyed by ,unfortunately, us.The giant panda feeds mainly on bamboo but their body only digest a fifth of what it eats.The giant panda uses half a day to eat .As the bamboo has very little nutrients and so the panda has to eat 15 % of their body weight. To do this the giant panda eats very quickly.A giant panda can weigh from 75 to 136 kilograms!Imagine the amount of food it eats!!


Monday, February 4, 2008

My autobiography

Hi this posting is going to be my autobiography!

I was born in april 25 1996! Can you guess when I first went overseas? I was only two years old, in 1998.I went to New Zealand ! Can you believe it ? Only two years old! Too bad I could not remember a thing at all.I shifted house that year too.I shifted from Park House (an apartment in orchad road) to my home at clementi.The very same house I am currently living.What an exciting year fo a two-year-old.I went to Nursery the very next year.To me the first year I went to Nursery seemed blur. All I remeber is that I only played and eat. My family says that I was much cuter and much more adorable at that time than now.

When I was about four to five years old I went to China for the first time. That was the second time I went overseas.I remembered lot more than when i went to New Zealand . I remembered that my brother could ride the camel and I could not I made such a big fuss of it.I also remembered climbing the Great Wall of China. I went to primary school like everyone else, when I was seven.I took the school bus the first day.My mother went as well but in her car.

At the age of 8 I went for my first SYF (Singapore Youth Festval) for dance . I was so excited because that was the first national competition I had ever joined. When I was P4 I went to the SYF celebration it was so tiring as we had to wait so long .At P5 I went to the P5 camp it was so so so FUN I got to do rock climbing and flying fox . I wish I could stay there forever . At that year I went to the National Day. It neat except the part that we had to wait so long.

This is year I am P6 and I am going to take my PSLE I am very scared wish me good luck!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Elizabeth Choy

Hello today I will talk about Singapore's war heroine, Elizabeth Choy.

Elizabeth Choy is a war heroine.She was a passionate teacher, a good wife and a loyal citizen.She had come from overseas yet she was so loyal to Singapore.Although she was tortured and beaten she still did not admit that she was a informat.She is very brave and courages.If I were in her shoes I think that Iwould not do such a thing. Even after the war, she proved to be a very forgiving person.She was one of the few people who did not name the people who had tortured her. I think that we should all try to be like her . To be able to forgive and forget.She will definately be remembered as a war heroine